Speech of Dr Alejo Vidal-Quadras in Berlin Conference 29 August 2015

Dear friends,
Thank you very much for inviting me to this important conference in Berlin. I am delighted to be here with my German friends and colleagues who support freedom and democracy in Iran.
I am also very happy and honoured to join my Iranian friends who are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the main Iranian democratic opposition, the PMOI. This is indeed a Golden Jubilee and I send my best regards to our sisters and brothers in Camp Liberty in Iraq and to all members and supporters of the PMOI in the world.
The PMOI, as I have known during my 15 years of close cooperation with them, in addition to being the backbone of a global resistance against the religious fascism ruling in Iran, is a treasure of moral, political and cultural values which has had a highly effective role in increasing the democratic standards in today’s world. Through its advocacy for a tolerant and democratic Islam, the PMOI has successfully turned into the anti-thesis of Islamic fundamentalism and extremism in the Middle East, the perverse ideology that has ruined this strategic region of the world and is leading it today towards catastrophe.
The PMOI is the centre of a political coalition, the NCRI, which fights for democratic and pluralistic Iran and says religion and state should respect each other independence. Several thousands of parliamentarians have expressed their support for the political platform of the NCRI. The presence of a Muslim woman at the top of this movement, who calls for a secular and democratic Iran, is very significant and is really a revolution in the thinking and attitude in the Islamic world. As we all know one of the main characteristics of Islamic fundamentalism is their degrading and harsh stance towards women. So a woman who is a real leader, and a very charismatic one, and not just a formality, represents indeed a revolution which can shake very positively the Islamic world.
The situation of human rights in Iran is today at its lowest ever since the mass executions of political prisoners in 1988. While the world leaders under the leadership of EU High Representative Federica Mogherini were making every effort to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran, President Rouhani’s Government was busy hanging its own citizens. More than 2000 people have been executed since Rouhani took office two years ago. We must thank God he is a moderate. Imagine what the situation would be if he were a hard-liner!
The Iranian authorities executed a young Kurdish political prisoner last Wednesday and they did not even wait to receive a decision about his appeal, ignoring even their own legal system. But the EU, Mrs Mogherini and European Governments are cowardly silent and seem to be more interested to rush to Tehran to explore business deals or take photos with Iranian officials. Such an attitude is a shame, it is a betrayal of the most basic principles that inspire the EU and only encourages the regime to continue its crimes against the people of Iran.
The situation of women is particularly dramatic with systematic acid attacks on their faces by pro-government militias. Several renowned female activists and journalists have been sentenced to long prison terms for their peaceful activities.
If the EU wants to be taken seriously by the mullahs it must condition any further relations with Iran to a clear improvement of human rights and to an end of executions.
Today we are also commemorating another anniversary. Two years ago this time, 52 members and officials of the PMOI were cold-bloodedly murdered by former Prime Minister of Iraq Maliki and the Iranian regime in Camp Ashraf. Many of them were on hospital beds, some with hands tied behind their back, all killed with bullets in their head or neck. Seven people including six women were abducted with no news of their fate after two years. The tragedies of Camp Ashraf and Liberty are one of the worst examples of the international community turning its back to its responsibility and obligations.
I, along with my colleagues in European Parliament and national parliaments actively followed the developments from the very first months in 2003, when the PMOI gave in all their means of defence to the US forces in return for US commitment to protect them. In 2008 we worked hard to try to convince the US Government not to give the protection of Ashraf residents to Maliki’s forces because it was clear to us that he was a mercenary of the Iranian regime. We wrote to the American President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and other authorities and met with many of them and shared this with US officers in Camp Ashraf during my visit there in October 2008 as head of a parliamentary delegation. We raised this with the UN Secretary-General and the High Commissioner for Refugees. But this illegal transfer took place and then we witnessed repeated massacres in 2009, 2011 and 2013 and forced relocation from Ashraf to Liberty. Believe me, if it wasn’t for the efforts and worldwide campaigns of the resistance and the activities of the European Parliament and other Parliaments, we would have seen much more dramatic consequences.
Today, we continue to do all we can to assure the security and protection of Camp Liberty on the one hand to avoid the recurrence of the previous tragedies, and on the other hand we have been working non-stop for 4 years for resettlement of residents in European countries, but unfortunately these countries do not fulfil their obligations. I and other colleagues have been in constant conversation and letter exchanges and meetings with EU officials and EU Member States.
The approach of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel who has accepted part of those who were before refugees in Germany is applaudable. The Albanian Government despite many restrictions and difficulties has shown an admirable approach, and has taken the largest share in the resettlement of the residents of Camp Liberty. I personally met and thanked the Albanian President and Prime Minister and other officials during my visit to Tirana in 2014 and successfully asked them to accept more.
The protection of Camp Liberty is the responsibility of the United States and the European Union. They gave up their weapons and left Ashraf which was their home for 26 years, because they trusted their commitments. Both Mrs Ashton and Mrs Clinton as well as Ban Ki-Moon supported this, but unfortunately they have now all abandoned the Camp Liberty residents.
I also want to refer to another issue that we are commemorating today. The massacre of 30 thousand political prisoners in Iran in summer of 1988. Most of those executed were supporters of the PMOI. The human rights violations and the number of political executions in Iran is an unparalleled phenomenon in the world since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The Iranian regime is today the biggest threat to global peace and security. It is the largest source of fomenting terrorism and fundamentalism.
We should not also be fooled by the recent nuclear agreement. The only reason the mullahs accepted to negotiate was not because they suddenly became sensible and reasonable. No! It was only because of sanctions and international pressures. It has been a big mistake to ease this pressure and allow billions of euros to be given to the regime which will only use this money for more terrorism at global level and export of Islamic fundamentalism.
The Europe Union should abandon the failed policy of appeasement of this regime. Instead of scarifying the democratic values and human rights principles, the EU should support the democratic resistance. If we want democracy in Iran and stability in the region, our best chance is to topple the mullahs and every believer in human rights, civil liberties and open society in the world should support the PMOI and recognize the democratic alternative for Iran: the NCRI under the leadership of Mrs Rajavi. This will be the most effective way to contribute to peace and security, democracy and human rights in Iran, in Middle East and in the whole world.
Thank you.

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